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What Ron Swanson Taught Me About Sexual Purity (Part 3)

***This is part 3 of my 3-part series on Parks and Rec! If you haven't read parts 1 or 2 of this series, head over to the homepage and check out the Recent Posts column!

Part 3: Power In Numbers

Ron now knows that his relationship with Tammy is toxic and he needs out of it. But he also has the self-awareness to know that if he faces Tammy alone, he’ll only fall for her manipulative and seductive tactics again. Leslie begrudgingly agrees to accompany Ron and help him break up with Tammy, but Tammy is ready for this fight. Ron doesn’t have the strength to face Tammy, so he has Leslie speak for him and tell her that their relationship is off. Tammy responds with maniacal laughter and then tries to convince Ron that Leslie is the one manipulating him for selfish and political gain! On top of that, she accuses her of trying to steal Ron for herself. Leslie realizes that Ron’s bondage to Tammy is too strong for her to break, but before she leaves, she says something that changes everything.

Leslie: I’m here because Ron is my friend. And I don’t like seeing my friends miserable. And you, Tammy, you make him miserable. So, Ron, you can give her the lot or don’t. Whatever. Just please, find a way to be happy.

[Leslie exits Tammy’s office]

Ron: No, wait!

Leslie: Ron, it’s okay. Just sign the (Lot release form).

Ron: No, Leslie, it’s not okay. You just put my needs in front of your own. No woman has ever done that for me before.

Ron used years of focused hatred to keep himself away from Tammy, but it was love that gave him the strength to achieve victory. After hearing those words from his good friend Leslie, Ron went back to face Tammy and end the relationship himself. A few minutes later, Ron leaves the Library with a part of his mustache gone and a push pin in his face. The battle was hard fought, but he left a new man.

The enemy will do or say anything to get you to stay in bondage. He will tell you that you have no power over sin, that you are helpless in your pursuit to defeat it and that you will ultimately fail...And he’s right. But when you’re a believer in Jesus Christ, you don’t walk in your own power. Just like Leslie was a good friend to Ron, the Bible calls you the “friend of God”, the God who laid down his life on the cross to save you from the power of sin and death and reconcile you to Him.

Now, the last thing I want to do is romanticize the process of achieving victory. Make no mistake, this is a fight, and the enemy won’t go down quietly. Ron eventually faced Tammy on his own and found freedom from their relationship, but he left with a pushpin in his face and all the signs of a struggle. Finding freedom and achieving victory will come with its own challenges. God may reveal to you some deep-seated wounds from your past, or ask you to repent to those you have wronged. We’re never promised that this path will be easy, but we are promised that unparalleled joy and fulfillment wait for us if we don’t lose hope. (Galatians 6:9)

Final Thoughts

The topic of sexual temptation is one that has been written and spoken on for many years by men and women who are far more qualified than I am. If you’re struggling with sexual sin, reach out to a trusted friend, pastor, parent, or mentor and bring it to the light. Read and research as much as you can and get the help you need. You can’t fight this battle alone, so partner with someone you trust and start your journey toward freedom and victory today.

Parks and Recreation is far from a perfect TV show, but it’s filled with genuine moments of friendship, love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Those moments remind me of the incredible God I serve and keep me coming back for more of Parks and Rec’s goofy brand of comedy. If you’re looking for a fun show that will keep you laughing and engaged from start to finish, you’d be hard pressed to find a better show than Parks and Rec.

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