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Why 'Hail, Caesar!' Was The Greatest Christian Film of 2016


I can still remember the look on everyone’s face as the dramatic music swelled, the credits rolled, and the movie came to an end. In fact, everyone was so perplexed that we decided to take a picture capturing our befuddled reactions to what we had just seen. I laughed nervously in agreement as my friends shared their opinions on what was proving to be a unanimously quirky movie. Inwardly however, I was secretly wrestling with how to communicate the compelling truths the Lord had clearly revealed to me while watching Hail, Caesar!.

At first glance, this ode to vintage film-making created by the Coen brothers seems to make as much sense as modern American politics. (Too soon?) Few people that I know can manage to offer anything positive about the film, much less anything of eternal value to a disciple of Jesus Christ, and while I will concede that Hail, Caesar! is far from a perfect film, I believe the stunning truths of grace, identity, and eternal purpose are clearly seen in the midst of a hilarious and truly entertaining movie.

The fictional story of Hail, Caesar! follows the life and internal struggle of a man named Eddie Mannix. Mannix is the Head of Physical Production at Capitol Pictures and as such, he is responsible for running the everyday production of hit movies or “pictures”, while also managing a band of kooky actors, actresses, and “top-notch creative people”, as he puts it. But that’s not all that we know about Eddie Mannix. In the very first scene of the film, we see a distraught and exhausted Mannix hunched in the confines of a confessional booth. He laments to his well-acquainted priest how he is struggling to honor the wishes of his wife Connie, who wants him to quit smoking for his own health. “It’s so hard”, he says through tears “But I’m trying”. A man wrestling with how to properly balance his demanding work schedule, quit an unhealthy habit, and be a loving and devoted husband…sound familiar?

As the film progresses, the audience gets an in-depth look into Mannix’s hectic and bizarre work life, as well as get introduced to a wonderfully quirky cast of characters. The high in demand and gullible long-time movie star named Baird Whitlock goes missing, the amiable and fiercely loyal western movie star named Hobie Doyle is enlisted to help find him, and the debonair movie musical star doubling as a communist agent named Burt Gurney is actually behind the whole plot! However, every strange twist and turn in the lives of each character actually serves to emphasize the conflict in the life of Eddie Mannix. His attention, for the moment, is on the production of a movie in the making titled “Hail, Caesar! A Tale of The Christ” (Hence, the name of the film.) But secretly, Mannix is entertaining the prospect of a lucrative new job offer with Lockheed Aviation which promises to utilize his managing and problem-solving skills, put him at the forefront of a growing industry, and provide a better quality of life for him and his family…is it me, or is it getting nostalgic in here? Huh. Eventually, the audience finds out that star actor Baird Whitlock has actually been kidnapped by a group of resentful ex-Hollywood writers who have turned to communism to get back at the “capitalist system” they labored in. (Come on, that’s hilarious right there!) At the same time, Mannix is being pressured by Mr. Cuddahy, an executive of Lockheed Aviation, to make a decision about the job being offered to him. Both Mr. Cuddahy and the communist writers serve a crucial role in the arc of Mannix’s story. In an illuminating scene, Mr. Cuddahy demeans Eddie’s job to the level of babysitting and even offers him a cigarette when he knows that he’s struggling to quit. Similarly, the communist writers are hard at work brainwashing Baird Whitlock to join their cause by demeaning the movie-making industry entirely to being simply a pawn in the capitalist game. Both voices seek to discredit everything that Mannix is doing and try to get him to doubt his own sense of purpose and calling in his life…I’ll just let you sit on that for a second.

Now, you’re probably wondering where I’m going with all of this. I mean, you can learn about everything I’ve just said simply by watching the movie. But what I’m trying to get at is this…Eddie Mannix is YOU. He’s me too, he’s all of us. Eddie Mannix represents every Christian’s struggle to live under the grace of God.

Think about it. Have you ever been so overwhelmed by the pressure to perform for your family, your boss, your friends, your spouse, or yourself for that matter, that even the things you are called and anointed to do lose their appeal? Have you ever traded your purpose and calling in a specific season for an opportunity that promised more success or notoriety? Have you ever surrendered your heart to the lie that says what you are called to do has no real purpose or meaning?...I have, and I’m willing to bet you have too.

One of my favorite moments of the film comes when Eddie Mannix has finally reached his limit and decides to return to the sanctuary of his church’s confessional for wisdom and guidance. The dialogue between Mannix and a clearly exhausted clergyman is just too revelatory to leave out so I’ll let you read it for yourself:

Mannix: Father. Priest: Yes, my son? M: May I ask you something, father. P: Of course, my son. M: If there's something that's easy. Is that...wrong? P: Easy? M: Uh... easy to do. Easy to...Like an easy job. No, it's not a bad job, it's not bad. But...then...There's this other job. That's...It's not so easy. In fact, it's hard. It's...It's so hard, Father, sometimes I don't know if I can keep doing it. But, it seems right. I don't know how to explain. P: God wants us to do what's right. M:…Yeah. Yeah, course He does. P: The inner voice that tells you what's right, it comes from God, my son. M: Yeah, got it. P: That's His way of saying that- M: Yeah, yeah, I got it. Thanks

I absolutely love that Mannix cuts this scene (and his priest’s pontificating) short because revelation has struck him to the point of action! That is exactly what the revealing of our identity and purpose within the sovereign will of God does in our life. So what was God’s inspiring revelation to Eddie Mannix?...You are right where I’ve called you to be.

Amazing. Mannix didn’t need to be at the forefront of industry or out “changing the world” to realize he was making a difference. He truly believed in the power of creative expression through film-making and saw that making “pictures” allowed his audience to believe in something greater than themselves. Mannix didn’t need the approval of his boss, his wife, or even his priest to know that he was placed firmly in the will of God and covered by His grace. One word from God told him everything he needed to know about who he was and, as the old adage says, whose he was. The film concludes with a now confident Mannix returning to his work with a renewed sense of passion and faith in what he knows to be his true calling.

Sometimes the most powerful revelation we can receive is that we aren’t blowing it and in fact, God is pleased with us. Eddie Mannix was not the perfect Christian, and trust me neither are you. But my guess is that just like him, you don’t need someone reminding you of that fact. Maybe what you need is to know, in your heart of hearts, that God is for you and to rest in that incredibly powerful truth. Your passions, giftings, and talents were tailor made for you to impact the world you live in right now and to influence the people who you come into contact with every day. This means that your God-given role in the grand design of life cannot be replaced, replicated, or removed. You are uniquely and wonderfully made. You are incredibly called, undeniably anointed, and fiercely loved by the Father.

All in all, Hail, Caesar! was a phenomenal film and I’m sure you can tell that it’s quickly become one of my all-time favorites. In fact, there is so much more that I wish I could have unpacked but I think I’ll just let the film speak for itself. On top of everything I’ve laid out, Hail, Caesar! is simply hysterical. If you like gut-busting theological jokes, wonderfully awkward situational humor, and candid satire, then you will absolutely enjoy this film. Give it a watch, and allow the truth of God (and His sense of humor) to minister to you in a new and refreshing way.

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